I’m a tango teacher. Freelance. Born in Uruguay. With 18 years of professional experience. I travel around the world teaching tango, sharing with my students an obsessive search for quality of movement, body awareness, creativity and authenticity in the dance. I have work bases in Montevideo, Buenos Aires, London, Glasgow, Munich and Paris. You can read more about my classes HERE.

I’m a Cultural Manager. Technician graduated from Facultad de la Cultura de la Universidad CLAEH in 2013, and specialized in tango projects. For almost two decades I’ve been creating and collaborating in projects to improve people’s quality of life through the tango culture. You can see my project history and my services HERE.

I’m an occasional Architect. Architecture is a occasional lover in my life. At the age of 25, after practising the profession for a few years, my body got sick of the desk, and asked for a change. I gave up everything and went to dance tango around the world. I never came back. 

I’m a professional Milonguero. I’m the result of 18 years of fanatical attendance to milongas of Montevideo, Buenos Aires and Europe. The milonga is my natural space of expression and relationships. I specialize in training excellent milongueros, and in transmitting the fundamental values of the authentic contemporary social tango through all my work areas.

I’m a compulsive writer. I sit in cafes, bars and milongas in cities all around the world, and I write and re-write texts about tango. About its history, its music, its characters. About the life in the milongas of the world. You can read some of my pages HERE.

I’m an addicted traveler. My work territory is the world. There, in any remote place where there is a minimum outbreak of tango, I will be happy to go and share my experience and my work.